
Personal blog & website

A git-based jamstack website/blog created using Vue.js, Nuxt and hosted on Netlify.
Jonathan Machado avatar picture

By Jonathan Machado

May 19, 2020

PS: I will write more about how I built this website in an upcoming article.

Before I started building this website, I defined a few items/features I wanted to have:

  • Custom design
  • Dark mode
  • Git-based CMS
  • Multi-language support
  • Ability to use Vue components inside markdown

I started with Adobe XD to create the design and used Tailwind CSS as my CSS framework.

Articles and other text contents are stored in markdown files (I have also configured Netlify CMS).

The website is hosted on Netlify and every push made to the master branch triggers a nuxt generate build process, which is responsible to generate the static version of my site.

I've also used nuxt-i18n to support multiple languages.

For the next weeks I will write about the following improvements I plan to work on:

  • Animations/transitions
  • Code splitting and lazy-loaded chunks

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